Protect Your Healthcare Choices with Advance Medical Directives

Ensuring Your Wishes are Respected in Matters of Life and Health

Our law firm provides compassionate and experienced guidance in the creation of living wills and medical directives, empowering you to make informed decisions about your healthcare and end-of-life care.

contract - advance medical directives
two elderly people signing a contract - advance medical directives

Establish Medical Power of Attorney

A medical power of attorney appoints a trusted individual to make healthcare decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated.

We can help you choose an agent and draft a document that clearly defines their authority and responsibilities.

Create Living Wills

A living will, also known as an advance directive, allows you to express your wishes regarding end-of-life medical treatment. We assist you in creating a legally binding document that outlines your preferences for:

  • Life-sustaining treatment
  • Artificial nutrition and hydration
  • Pain management
  • Organ donation

Draft Healthcare Directives

We represent clients in will contests involving:

  • Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders
  • Physician orders for Life-sustaining treatment (POLST)
  • Mental health directives

Plan for End-of-Life Care

Michael can provide comprehensive counseling to help you plan for end-of-life care.

We discuss your values, goals, and preferences, and assist you in making informed decisions about:

  • Hospice care
  • Palliative care
  • Funeral arrangements

Contact Us Today

Protect your healthcare choices and ensure your wishes are respected with our guidance in creating living wills and medical directives.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discuss how we can assist you.