Power of Attorney

Why Do You Need a Power of Attorney?

Secure your future decisions with a Power of Attorney.

Ensure your choices are respected when you can’t express them yourself. This is key to medical, financial, and personal peace of mind.

Don’t leave your fate to chance.

two elderly people with attorney - power of attorney
man in blue hoodie wearing eyeglasses

Power of Attorney Options

Navigate life’s uncertainties with the right Power of Attorney:

  • General for broad powers
  • Durable to endure incapacity
  • Special for specific tasks
  • Healthcare for medical decisions

Choose wisely and safeguard your future.

Trust Administration

Our trust administration services include:

  • Ensure your trust assets are expertly inventoried and valued
  • Distributing trust income and principal to beneficiaries
  • Representing trustees in trust litigation

Probate Administration

Our probate administration services include:

  • Filing the will with the probate court
  • Notifying beneficiaries and creditors
  • Ensure your estate assets are expertly inventoried and valued
  • Paying estate debts and taxes
  • Ensuring that estate assets are distributed to beneficiaries

Estate Planning

Ensure your wishes are respected and your loved ones are protected:

  • Avoid Probate delays and costs
  • Minimize estate taxes
  • Ensure asset distribution wishes
  • Protect family’s financial future
  • Manage healthcare and end-of-life decisions

Contact Us Today

Protect your personal, business, and financial interests by placing them in the hands of someone you trust.

Find the right options for you!